Lawak ramadhan..

Sekadar utk menceriakan kita2 di bulan ramadhan ni.. syafi smput dari smlm.. tolong doakan yer. Doc dh suruh warded dah ni.

Quick joke for you all.  #Ramadan

Bob and Steve, two non-Muslim friends who happen to be lost in a desert. After days of walking without any water or food, they noticed a Mosque.

Bob said: "Yes, thank God! I will walk in saying that my name is Mohamed, and you say that your name is Ahmed, this way we'll get some food! Deal?"

Steve said: "No, I'm sticking with my name."

They walked into the Mosque and the Sheikh saw them.

The Sheikh asked: "What are your names?"
Bob said: "My name is Mohamed."
Steve said: "My name is Steve."
Sheikh said: "Guys, please bring some food and water for Steve. And you Mohamed, Ramadan Mubarak ."


Masa mengajar kita tentang segalanya.. Masa mematangkan kita seiring dengan usia..


Words of wisdom

  1. salam ramadhan..jaga kesihatan elok-elok

  2. haha, kesiann bob! :D

    Semoga Syafi cepat sembuh, in sha Allahhhh :)

  3. hahahaha.. lawak.. lawak..

    semoga syafi cepat sihat..

  4. Salam Ramadhan Mama PP..

  5. haha... nak menyamar la sangat (^___^)

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